From the recording I'm Brand New (Soundtracks)

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I Believe
1st verse
I believe there was a hill; I believe there was a cross
I believe there was a man; I believe there was a cost
I believe on the third day that Christ arose from the grave
And someday I’ll reign with him for I believe

I believe in a hill called, “Mount Calvary”
I believe on a cross Jesus Died for me
I believe that His blood was offered in love and I believe He did it all for me

2nd verse
I believe nailed hands and feet crucified between two thieves
I believe the quake and storm; I believe the vail was torn
I believe on the third day Christ arose up from the grave
And someday I’ll reign with him for I believe

Music and Words by Paul D. Bolen
Copyright 2018
BMI 550603276